entrepreneurial environment from the absolute as well as comparative
Unfavourable evaluation and considerable decrease is indicated in all
analysed areas, i. e. in favouring of new and growing firms in particular
specific government policies, as well as in prioritization of entrepreneurship
at national or local government levels.
Slovakia lacks in the international context especially in the last two areas, i. e.
in assessment whether entrepreneurship support represents a sufficient
priority at the level of national government or at the level local governments.
Government policies (bureaucracy, taxes)
Government policies in terms of bureaucracy and taxes from the
entrepreneurship support perspective also exhibit considerably negative
state. Moreover, their assessment dramatically drops every year from
absolute as well as comparative perspective.
Our country mostly lacks in the difficulty to cope with overall bureaucratic
burden, which is also the worst evaluated attribute of this framework
Especially alarming is the issue of tax burden, where Slovakia lost its positive
and highly above average evaluation from 2011 and gradually fell between
countries with considerably negative and deeply below average evaluation in
2013. Similar unfavourable development exhibited also the assessment of
predictability and consistency of taxes burden application.
Government programs
Government entrepreneurship support programs also belong to conditions
showing significantly negative and stagnating evaluation. Due to this
situation, the state of this condition from the entrepreneurship support
perspective can be considered as chronically unfavourable.
On the other hand, entrepreneurship support programs are at the same time
still perceived as one of the most beneficial supporting factors. Despite their
definitely suboptimal state, they belong to few attributes providing support
for entrepreneurship in our country.
The worst assessed attributes of government entrepreneurship support
programs were their inadequate number, low effectiveness and worst access
to wide range of assistance through contact with one agency.
Education (elementary, secondary)
Elementary and secondary education belongs from the perspective of
entrepreneurship support to conditions with negative state and stagnating
development in the monitored period. Despite considerably negative
absolute evaluation, Slovakia exhibited relatively positive average position in