Affordability of costs of using subcontractors, suppliers and consultants for
new and growing firms is the chronically worst evaluated issue in this area.
On the other hand, access to good legal, accounting and banking services
remains positively evaluated despite significant decrease in the monitored
period. However, Slovakia already lost its comparative advantage in the
international context.
Market dynamics and openness
The issue of market restrictions is characterized by negative assessment as
well as its unfavourable dynamics in the monitored period. The existing
market restrictions to a certain extent unfavourably affect the development
of new and growing firms especially.
While the affordability of market entry costs for new and growing firms is the
worst evaluated attribute of market restrictions, the effectiveness and
consistency of anti-trust legislation enforcement exhibit the most positive
On the other hand, market dynamics in Slovakia is characterized by positive
state as well as positive dynamics in the monitored period. The level on
dynamics in Slovak markets is sufficient to initiate and foster the formation
and development of entrepreneurial activity.
The dynamics on markets for business-to-business goods and services (B2B
markets) seems to be more intensive than the dynamics on markets for
consumer goods and services (B2C markets).
Physical infrastructure
The physical infrastructure constantly belongs to conditions with positive
state throughout the entire monitored period. Its level is sufficient to support
formation and development of the entrepreneurial activity. The physical
infrastructure available to our entrepreneurs can be compared with those in
highly-developed economies.
Especially positively evaluated is the easy access of new and growing firms to
communication services.
On the other hand, the lowest (however still positive) evaluation was
exhibited by the overall support of physical infrastructure to new and
growing firms. The reason of this lower evaluation may lie in a worse state of
transport infrastructure (especially roads) in several regions of the country.
Cultural and social norms
Cultural and social norms related to entrepreneurship exhibit unfavourable
and constantly worsening evaluation. The influence of cultural attributes
such as support to individual success, autonomy, personal initiative, risk-