decrease in position occurred compared to Europe as well as countries whose
development is based on innovation. Negative trend in both components is
visible from the death index, which expresses the ratio between nascent
entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs. Our death index is above the average
of Europe and occupies a high rank in the other evaluated groups of
countries. From this situation can be deduced, that in Slovakia a significant
number of nascent entrepreneurs leaves entrepreneurship in the very first
stage (death index is 1.7), discouraged by the initial problems arising from
the external environment, as well as their own assessment of business.
The results of our research show that in 2013, the share of entrepreneurs
whose main
for starting a business is
has increased, and
reached the level of 40% for early stage entrepreneurs. This development has
to be regarded as alarming for Slovakia. Our percentage of motivation based
on necessity is almost 10% higher than the average of the least developed
countries whose development is based on factors. It is higher even compared
to the world's poorest countries such as Angola, Nigeria, India and so on. The
impact of a such situation is clearly reflected in the level of "sophistication"
of entrepreneurship, so these entrepreneurs develop less innovative and
more replicative entrepreneurship, with the lowest value added. Adverse
developments in this area are also documented through the motivation
index, which expresses the ratio of opportunity to necessity. In 2013 there
was a decrease of this index (index value 1.0 in 2013, in 2012 the value was
1.2 and, for example, in the Czech Republic the motivation index reached
value of 2.7) which means that the relative increase in the early stage
entrepreneurs based on necessity is greater than those motivated by
The dynamics of development of established businesses was for the past
three years in Slovakia unfavorable. In 2013, these businesses accounted for
5.4% while in 2011 it was 9.6%. This percentage puts us together with the
Czech Republic at the last place within V5 countries. Our share is lower than
the European average, the average of innovative countries and even countries
whose development is based on efficiency. The state and development of the
group of established entrepreneurs should be considered alarming as it refers
to those entrepreneurs, who are considered to be an important generator of
wealth of countries and a stable job creation, as well as higher contribution to
added value.
The dynamics of total entrepreneurial activity in Slovakia is declining
because of the decline in both components of early stage entrepreneurial
activity and established businesses. In terms of the internal structure of the
total entrepreneurial activity, roughly the same share of each of the
components on this activity could be considered a positive trend. Slovakia
had a 58% share of early stage entrepreneurs in total entrepreneurial activity
in 2013. This is a positive shift compared to 2011 and 2012 (62%), but it is
still the worst within the V5 countries and is above the European average.