The intention to start a business
in the next three years in 2013 in
Slovakia had 16.4% of the population. In the year-on-year comparison this
means an increase, but it did not reach the level of 2011 (18.0%). However,
the international comparison shows that this value is above the average of V5
countries, Europe, as well as innovative countries. Unlike the short-term
perception of business opportunities (see entrepreneurial potential) from the
intention to start a business can be expected a potential increase in
entrepreneurial activity in Slovakia in the medium term. This expectation
will be significantly influenced by the developments in the external
environment, especially those of its components that directly affect
total early-stage entrepreneurial activity of Slovak population
is a core indicator of GEM research. TEA in Slovakia reached the
value of 9.5% in 2013 and for the period of 2011 - 2013 has a downward
trend. However, its level is still above the average of V5 countries, although
we are not a leader as in the previous period, but Slovakia is in the second
place just behind Hungary (9.7%). Slovak TEA is also above the average of
Europe, as well as countries whose development is based on innovation.
Clear explanation of the downward trend of TEA in Slovakia is difficult.
There is no doubt that the components of the external environment,
especially the social perception of entrepreneurship, but also the perception
of opportunities for starting a business, have an impact on the dynamics of
TEA. Also the already mentioned entrepreneurial environment, which can be
characterized by negative developments, has a negative impact on the TEA in
Slovakia. On the other hand, the inclusion of Slovakia in terms of the level of
economic development in the group of countries whose development is based
on innovation could be a prerequisite for the gradual reduction of the early-
stage entrepreneurial activity. In this case, however, the condition of the
creation of new jobs in the corporate sector, which would exceed the benefits
of independent entrepreneurship, would have to be fulfilled. The current
state of the labor market in our country does not indicate that this would be
an important factor influencing the level of early-stage entrepreneurial
activity in Slovakia. Explanation of the TEA dynamics must be therefore
sought in the level of entrepreneurial environment.
The dynamics and position of the two components of TEA -
nascent and
new entrepreneurs
is similar to the total early-stage entrepreneurial
activity. Both groups of entrepreneurs declined in relative terms by 8%.
Nascent entrepreneurs
, despite these developments maintained
a leadership among V5 countries, but significantly worsened our position
within the countries whose development is based on innovation. On the
other hand, the position of the new entrepreneurs has deteriorated
significantly which is evident from the year-on-year decline in their share on
the population. This was reflected in the position within V5 countries where
Slovakia dropped from the first to third place in 2013 and also a significant