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Executive Summary

The globalized world, of which we are a part, is looking for solutions to many

issues related to the economic development in times of high dynamic changes

induced by high uncertainty of individual components of the external macro

environment. Fellowships of countries, but also governments of individual

countries formulate their own strategies to solve complex problems and issues

arising from these developments. The European Union (EU) adopted for the coming

years a strategy known as Europe 2020 aimed at the building of a smart,

sustainable and inclusive economy in its geographic area. Such direction is to

provide solutions to key problems which both the EU and its individual Member

States face. Five ambitious objectives on employment, innovation, education, social

inclusion, climate and energy, which should be met by 2020, should contribute to

addressing the key issues in these critical areas. Entrepreneurship as a factor of

economic growth plays one of the main roles in the issues of creating jobs,

stimulating economic growth, development of competitiveness and innovation, but

also by addressing the challenges of inclusiveness of disadvantaged and under-

represented groups in the business.

The correct identification of policies, programs and tools aimed at the

development of entrepreneurship is not possible without the knowledge gained

from relevant research of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial environment

both at national as well as global level. One of the sources of such knowledge is also

a research carried out by Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA).

GERA is a nonprofit association whose members include major academic

institutions around the world that focus on research of entrepreneurship. The

output is an annually published study on entrepreneurship, one of the biggest in the

world. This study is the result of national surveys, and on the basis of this data, also

a number of researches, which constitute a part of the Global Entrepreneurship

Monitor (GEM). The year 2013 was the fifteenth year of research since GEM was

established. The sample comprises of 70 countries from around the world, in which,

two types of surveys were carried out: an adult population survey and national

expert survey. Survey of the adult population in 2013 had a total of 197,000

respondents which constitutes a representative sample of 75% of the world

population and 90% of the world GDP. The methodology of both surveys is

designed in a way, that the data obtained from them form a historical database to

satisfy the demanding criteria of statistical representativeness.

Slovakia first took part in the GEM in 2011 and the role of national

coordinator in GERA since 2010 was taken by the Faculty of Management,

Comenius University in Bratislava. The main partner of the Faculty in this research

is Slovak Business Agency (SBA) - Former National Agency for Development of

Small and Medium Enterprises. GEM research outputs are used at the SBA both at

the level of strategic analyzes focused on entrepreneurship, as well as in the

formulation of national strategies in this area. In 2013 and 2014, GEM outputs were

also included in the reports on the state of the business environment in Slovakia,